
What Your Habits are doing to Your Teeth

What Your Habits are doing to Your Teeth It’s common for young children to put anything and everything into their mouths. This curiosity is normal, and unless it develops into bad habits that carry into later childhood, is beneficial to development. Habits like nail-biting, thumb sucking, using a pacifier excessively, and tongue thrusting as you swallow all have

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Why You Need to Floss Everyday

Why You Need to Floss Everyday Flossing isn’t the most exciting part of your nightly routine, but it’s essential to your oral health. Maintaining that excellent oral health is an integral part of your orthodontic journey! Before we get into how to become an expert braces flosser, here’s some more information about why flossing is so critical in

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What to Expect with a Palate Expander

What to Expect with a Palate Expander Often the first step of orthodontic treatment is an expander. Expanders, or palatal expanders, are orthodontic appliances that increase the space between the halves of the upper jaw. While that sounds scary and painful, expanders are very common! Many young and growing orthodontic patients have expanders, and they can help make

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Food and Your Braces

Food and Your Braces One of our most common questions from patients is “What can I eat with my braces?” or “What foods do I have to give up?” and we have a few simple guidelines to share. Getting braces is a big change, and on top of the wires, brackets, or Invisalign trays, there’s a whole new

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Braces: Causing Your Canker Sores?

Braces: Causing Your Canker Sores? So, why do you keep getting canker sores? Canker sores are flat white sores that appear in your mouth and can last for a week or more. What causes these small mouth ulcers is unknown.Though the exact causes of canker sores in children are unknown, many things can trigger their recurrence. Stress, tissue

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