Happy National Orthodontic Health Month!

While October might signify the beginning of colder weather, pumpkin spice, and Halloween costumes to most, you may be surprised to find out it’s also National Orthodontic Health Month! Orthodontics is truly impactful on patients’ lives, correction of a crooked bite or other occlusion issues may seem small and even inconsequential, but the impact on both oral health and mental health well into the future cannot be disputed. So, while we love Halloween and fall leaves too, our favorite part about October is recognizing the amazing work our orthodontists do every day. 


What is an Orthodontist?

Dr. Oles Drobocky at Drobocky Orthodontics are highly trained experts in tooth alignment as well as general dentistry. To become an orthodontist, one must go through dental school and an additional residency that can take two to three years to specifically study orthodontia and occlusion. 

Dr. Oles Drobocky attends conferences and continuing education courses to better their knowledge of their trade and to provide the best and most up-to-date technologies to our patients. We strive to give each patient the best care that an orthodontist can offer. 


What Issues can Orthodontics Help With?

Perhaps the biggest benefit of seeing an orthodontist who gives you a beautiful smile is their experience. An orthodontist has seen hundreds, if not thousands, of cases in their career. They see you and your mouth in person multiple times and are best equipped to give you an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Orthodontics improves not only your physical health but your mental health as well. A beautiful smile does wonders for self-confidence and image as well. Orthodontic treatment can correct numerous issues like a general crooked bite, underbite, overbite, crossbite, jaw issues, and misalignment.

If you have questions about specific issues or your own case, please feel free to contact our offices. We’re always here to help and make sure you have the best experience and treatment possible.