
Baby Boomer Smile – The Finishing Touch in Bowling Green KY

The Baby Boomers are a generation like no other. In addition to growing up in the tumultuous sixties and seventies, they were the first to experience the full benefit of modern medicine, changing attitudes about nutrition and exercise, and the advent of plastic surgery. As a result, they have been able to maintain a youthful appearance far longer

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Tired of the Gap Between Your Teeth?

We have all heard the song, “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.” As many of us know, there is nothing worse than having lost your baby front teeth and waiting (with a big gap in your smile!) for your adult teeth to come in. However, some people find it is just as frustrating to

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What Causes TMJ or TMD?

Have you ever noticed a clicking or popping sound in your jaw when chewing or speaking? Dr. Oles Drobocky at Drobocky Orthodontics want you to know this happens to everyone from time to time. However, if it happens frequently and is combined with other symptoms such as jaw pain, locking of your jaws, reduced ability to open and

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Are Teeth or Jaws the Problem When Teeth are Crowded?

A common problem we see every day at Drobocky Orthodontics is crowding of teeth. This problem is often accompanied by protruding or “buck teeth”. Crowding can give the appearance the teeth are oversized or too big for the size of the jaws. However, this is not always correct. Often, it is not a tooth problem, but because the

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Timing is Everything In Orthodontics When Treating Children…

Dr. Oles Drobocky specializes in the movement of teeth and correction of adverse jaw growth problems. Evaluating and diagnosing each individual patient’s dental development, presents a slightly different challenge for an orthodontist. There are many factors at work and different approaches that can be used. In severe situations, permanent tooth removals may be required to create the necessary

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Do you Know the History of Halloween?

The orthodontists at Drobocky Orthodontics and our team thought it would be interesting to share with you the history behind Halloween. Did you know that Halloween is one of the world’s oldest holidays? Throughout the years it has gone through many changes. It was originally a Celtic festival called Samhain (pronounced sow-in). It marked the end of harvest

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