
We Should Encourage Our Kids to Choose the Right Foods

Busy lifestyles and a multitude of distractions make it very difficult for kids and families today to eat a meal together. Most of us at Drobocky Orthodontics often find ourselves eating on the run between busy work schedules, dance lessons, sports practices and games, school activities, karate lessons … the list is endless. Not to mention how difficult

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Wear A Mouth Guard To Protect Your Teeth

If you think about it, the use of mouth-guards and the reasons for using them isn’t that far removed from orthodontic technology and the principals at Drobocky Orthodontics we employ to create a beautiful and healthy smile for our patients!

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Is This Space Taken … Missing Teeth

Almost everyone wants a full, shining, toothy smile…but some people are missing teeth through no fault of their own. Whenever you see a person missing teeth, you probably assume that they have lost them somewhere along the line, either through an accident or neglect. However, that is not always true. At Drobocky Orthodontics we sometimes see patients that

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The Model “T” of Orthodontics

Many people wonder just how long orthodontic braces have been in existence and how they have come to be the way they are today? As far back as 500 B.C., Greek scholars such as Hippocrates and Aristotle have thought about ways to straighten teeth, but no progress was made in the field until the early 1900’s. Though orthodontics

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Why Do So Many People Need Orthodontics?

At Drobocky Orthodontics many parents ask… “Why are so many people wearing braces today?” Orthodontic Studies report 70 percent of the US population could benefit from having their teeth and jaws realigned with orthodontics. Our ancient ancestors had perfect teeth and bites, as evidenced by recovered fossils. Then, about 10,000 years ago, malocclusions (bad bites) seem to have

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Why Choose Early Orthodontic Treatment With A Palatal Expander?

Everyone who visits Drobocky Orthodontics wants to flash a perfect smile. However not everyone is born with perfectly straight teeth. Many subtle problems go unnoticed when checking out someone’s smile. Crooked teeth are more obvious, but how your teeth fit together is just as important when creating a great smile and orthodontic result over the long haul for

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